
6/11/24 - OK! The last of the NPN 707's are on the UPS truck, and the parts orders are getting compiled now for the net batch. 
   There are four black standard 707's relatively ready to go (just need to do the last like, 1.5 steps) - to be honest, I'm not sure I'll be offering these regularly anymore. It was a bit of a stretch to find good Q's in my stash for this. I have way more NPN sets, so I will probably focus more on those as far as keeping things in stock. 
  In the works I have two 406 silicon fuzz faces picked and audited and waiting for me to make time to make them, and maybe a dozen 202 enclosures drilled and waiting for PCB's. Still planning to order pre-drilled enclosures when it is time to re-up! 

5/1/24 - first off, happy May Day. Secondly, I've updated the site with the last quantities of hand-drilled enclosures I'm going to do. So tired of drilling. After this, its all pre-drilled and different finishes etc and etc and etc. Anyway, sign up for the mailing list if you want real news. 

2/13/24 - Sup. This isn't really my life blog but stopped in to say I'm still here, still making pedals sometimes. Sale prices from last year will now be the new norm! 

3/9/2023 - Hello! I need to re-up on parts if I'm going to keep producing pedals, so I'm offering 3 models for pre-order at a 10% discount. 10x each of 707 NPNs, 707 Standards, and 10x 202 Percolators. A couple pre-sales will get me the capital to make the rest and hopefully keep the line going until I get reaaaally sick of it or run out of transistors. 

2/2/2023 - wow okay so you can tell I don't update this page often. I barely keep up with my instagram lately. 

Suffice it to say, production slowed down considerably during 2022 and there've been quite a few life changes for me. As of November '22 I have a for-real Big Boy 9-5 full time job fixing amps at a large amp company and its kind of the best. I didn't make a big to-do about it because leaving the EARL was hard and I kind of just want to be more private going forward. 

I am still sitting on a hoard of germanium, I'm just not able to put the time and energy, and especially money into this as I used to. Taking on lots of repairs last year to supplement my sound-guy income sort of destroyed my shop and my conscience and I got burnt out. I'm grateful for the structure I have with this new job that will hopefully afford me some peace and mental clarity to slap together some new pedals this year. 

If you're just tuning in, hi, hit me up directly if you're really wanting a pedal and I'll see what I can do, otherwise follow me on instagram and check back. Thanks! 

10/30/21 - Hello! Big update here, but I don't have a lot of time for the full details, so check out Instagram. Short story is: 

-I've moved to PCB construction with the help of Alec @ Mask Audio Electronics. All components are the same, just way easier, faster, and more reliable on my end.
-With the news of Small Bear Electronics' incipient retirement, I've bought their entire stock of several germanium devices I use--particularly in the 707 circuit--to ensure continued production. Needless to say, it was a Serious Investment for me and I'm going to devote far more effort to building starting now.
-Both these developments are going to help me push out more pedals in the coming months, and I will be switching back to a "Batch-Build" situation from my hitherto current "To-Order" model. Thats why everything you see currently says "sold out"... I'll need some time to re-tool my shop for an assembly line and build jigs for faster transistor auditing. 
-While I switch gears, incoming repairs on hifi, tape decks, amps, etc will be severely screened or curtailed. Have a pedal that needs work? I probably got you. Bigger projects will need to wait. 

--If you already have a MM pedal and love it, it would help me out if you could write a quick couple words that I can copy/paste to this website to help buyers see the light! Email me at [email protected] or use the Contact page on this site. 

7/29/21 - Surprise! Still busy! And also, with shows returning to reality at my "Real Job", my time is becoming a bit more scarce. I've been periodically pausing repair intakes to give myself time to catch up and provide the quality of service I'm accustomed to. Please use the contact page or email [email protected] to ask about availability. Worst case, you'll be waiting about two weeks to drop off. 

I'm working on a rough "flat rate" fee for Tascam Portastudio restoration. This includes:
-complete disassembly and cleaning. 
-restore mixer to full functionality
-new belts, pinch rollers, idler tires
-new VU meter bulbs if necessary
-head polish, machine lubrication
-speed and level calibration
-new tactile switches if necessary
-replace electrolytic capacitors as necessary
Prices start at $250, and the unit is warrantied for 6 months.

it's really fun work for me, I love the machines and I want them all to stay working! Hit me up.  

4/8/21 - I've been swamped with hi-fi, tape deck, and amp repairs the last two months. Not complaining, but I haven't had much time to make pedals until now! A fresh full restock of the standards in red are headed to Tone Shop, I'm working on a batch of 202 and 406's that will be ready to ship with no lead time. 

    In the meantime, I'm still working on repairs. If you'd like to contact me by phone please text. Email is still the best option all around. [email protected] will get to my inbox. Thanks! 

1/16/21 - 202 percolators and 406 Silicon fuzzes are now available for order. A shipment of red 707, 406, 303, and 202 are headed to Tone Shop Guitars in Dallas in the next week. 

I'm in Triage-Mode this weekend with repairs and also an in-depth overhaul on my van, but parts are in stock turnaround is still under 2 weeks. Thanks! 

12/29/20 - Testing.... Got an ultrasonic cleaner today, but I don't know where to put it. I also don't want to solder anything at all. Still waiting on 1N695 diodes to arrive from Melbourne, they're needed for 202 builds. Also need to start workin on batch of pedals for Tone Shop. Will ride bike first....